We are now back.
Discussing the budget. Amy Kishek, from Arts, asks whether or not it will be available online. It will be, once it is approved by the Board.
Michael Brown, from Common Law, asks where the surplus goes. (100 000$). When there is a surplus, Roxanne Dubois answers (VP FINANCE), it is for emergency and for new initiatives.
This budget has just been approved almost unanimously. A few abstentions and a few absentees. Many people went to Subway to get lunch. Which explains why they were/are absent.
That was fast. People clapping.
100,000 surplus in a non profit?
How often does the FEUO run surpluses?
After a few years it all adds up, no?
How much is in reserve for so-called "emergencies"?
Oh, right, we're going to have to bail out 1848 when it crashes like the Knox did.
I'm from Social Science... (remember, PIDSSA etc...?)
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As for the Budget, it's so that there's money available for events and initiatives that come along throughout the course of the year. New ideas and proposals! This leaves rooms for students to continuously be engaged and adding to the projects developed and undertaken by the SFUO. Better than them account for all the money and leaving little room for change.
Also, if you look at the budget, which you should be able to access soon on the website, according to the exec anyway, you'd see that 1848 has been doing increasingly better each year, to the point of no such "bail-out".
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