Sunday, July 27, 2008

Kennery speaks (again)

Ryan Kennery says this process is much better than last year.

Says the committee did a great job. We can all feel better at the end of the day. Says that he will be voting against the motion, but he does not want to disrespect anybody.

I am not against a Fair referendum, says Kennery. Democracy is great, says Kennery. He respectfully disagrees that the CFS referendum, that involves a third party organization, with full time campaigners, can be fair.

Being a representative to a debate, is okay. A table in the UCU, is fine. He does not find the process fair.

To be constructive, he says that if this passes, he wants to use the SFUO's new status to amend some bylaws inside of the CFS, and the SFUO can make the process better.

He says, let us agree to disagree. He says, as a Board member, he disagrees that this can be fair. He respects the views on the other side of this issue.

Fairness is a value we should share. Just like bilingualism and the environment. Fairness is a value that we can not make concessions on. Just because it might justify the ends down the line, it is not something that we can justify this right away.

Let us have a beer after. And encourages members to vote in the best interest of students.

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