Sunday, July 27, 2008

Cameron Montgomery has more questions

Feels the report is not as complete as it could be. She gives the example of the Health Plan.

Seamus Wolfe responds. He says we had the CFS health plan for a long time. It was a base minimum for all of its members. The SFUO voted to have something more. And we have a different health plan now.

We can do the same with any Campaigns and Services.


1 comment:

Philippe said...

Something on the CFS National Student Health Network... It is not one uniformous health plan. For example, at some point both SFUO and GSAÉD were under the NSHN with different health plan. The NSHN basically works with the health plan broker to negociate the different plans based on the individual student union's needs.

Because of the bargaining power of a network, it might lower the costs in the long run*, and I'm quite sure it does in the GSAÉD case. However, I would say one major advantage is expertise, as there are two full-time people (nationally) paid by students to negotiate health plans, and these people have more experience than individual student union executives. So they can prevent the insurance brokers from taking advantage of less-knowledgable elected executives.


*(I say "in the long run", because regardless of the premiums of your current health plan, competitor brokers can offer a lower premium and run the plan at a loss for one year, to gain new clients. So never look at the first year of a contract, as the premiums are often artifically lowered.)